Ashok Dhillon

Sep 4, 20207 min

Trump’s 1st Term – USA’s Descent Into Darkness (#348)

It is seldom in a country’s national politics, the difference between the two leadership candidates and their visions for the country can be as polar opposite as is the difference between Democrat nominee Joe Biden, and the incumbent Republican Donald Trump. The difference is Joe Biden’s quest for the re-dawning of America’s day after Trump’s deep-dive into America’s heart of darkness.

Under the life-long self-serving Trump, with the backing of his cultish-Republican supplicants, and with his own words and actions, America has been actively encouraged and licensed to be politically, ideologically, racially, and religiously divided.

America is institutionally gutted by Trump, made into a politically ‘Christian’ white supremacist, neo-Nazi gun-toting vigilante and militia lawless, undemocratic, election-cheating-vote-suppressing, and beholden to Russia ‘Conservative’ - where virulent division is fostered and inflamed, rules and regulations are gutted, inequity encouraged, and the environment, both interpersonal and the natural, damaged and poisoned.

Recently and reportedly, America’s heroes and war dead have been pronounced as ‘all losers’ by Trump, a moral and physical coward who repeatedly ducked military service to his country through fake medical excuses, and kept his children out of serving too. Despicably, he pours scorn on exceptional genuine, decorated American war heroes, like John McCain and Robert Mueller, and others, and their ‘serving children’, while keeping his own safe.

Trump’s daily dive to the lowest depths of human darkness has no end, and he is dragging the better America down with him, to a place where the worst of his far-right ‘Republican’ cult members usually hide and reside, mumbling incantations, and screaming conspiracy theories about the saner people and their saner world.

For almost 50 years Biden and his family, have publicly served and paid the ultimate sacrifice for the America that the world knew and respected, an open and tolerant nation that fought on the side of Democracy and humanity, and against Fascism and inhumanity in the two Great Wars.

Joe Biden served America as a world leader that stood for political, ideological, religious, racial diversity, and a constitutionally based tolerance, both racial and religious, united with common purpose of achieving true individual freedom, with human and economic equality.

How things have changed.

In modern times, and in relation to the fascism prevalent during and prior to the first and second World Wars, and the authoritarianism of post WWII Soviet Union and China, America was the humanitarian, democratic, open, welcoming, rules and law based (not always international-law abiding) global policeman; a proud global leader of the free world, and an acknowledged ‘beacon of light on a hill’.

Now, it’s the epitome of lawless dysfunction, with a President who has no respect or need for law-and-order, who openly challenges and flouts any call for accountability and restraint, who ignores the Constitution and actively subverts it, and actively encourages violence, division, racial and religious hatred and inequality. Trump’s America is unequal, enslaved to its dark past, and intolerant.

Trump’s character-defining love of lying, daily, stuns the more normal America, and the rest of the world, while it delights the Republican Party and his core base of like-minded supporters, because it makes every other outrage from him ‘normal’ and in character, or as his non-apologetic sycophants say, ‘simply his unique way of expressing himself’. To the Republicans, ‘lying’ has become a style.

The fact that the President of the United States is an outrageous public liar does not bother the Republicans, an over-whelming majority of whom have embraced his ‘style’. The daily torrent of Trump generated falsehoods in public discourse now defines a dark and dangerous America, whose citizens now distrust all of its founding, iconic national and international institutions and each other the most.   

The institutional killing of unarmed Black Men, a historic, almost daily occurrence, but with open governmental empathy and protection being extended to the lethally indifferent and racially intolerant white policemen, and the armed vigilantes, rather than to their Black victims is a recent particular Trump add-on.

Trump actively encourages criminal behaviour, and promises ‘Presidential Pardons’ to his favourite convicted felons from his closest inner-most circle, as an incentive for them to stay loyal to him while breaking the law. He loves to pardon those outside of his circle, who adhere to the particularly darker side of political and moral corruption as ‘Conservatives’- encouraged by his cabal of Far-Right activists in the Alt-Right base, and in the Republican Party.

As a result, America is no longer the 'beacon of light on the hill’ to the world, but well on the way in becoming the worst of the classic Banana Republics, with dictatorial leadership that works to benefit the few who plunder the country, while destroying it for the rest of the larger hard working, honest population.

The America of ‘beacon of light on the hill’ came under grave threat, and was systematically attacked and dimmed by the unethical and largely immoral Far-Right cabal that got Donald Trump elected - people like Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, etc. (most of whom are now criminally indicted and convicted) even as Trump continues as a crime boss.

The convicted all worked on Trump’s 2016 Campaign with Russia’s Vladimir Putin’s Russian intelligence operatives, and internet troll farms, to help elect Trump and defeat Hillary Clinton, with the blessings of, and subsequent active defence of Russian interference by the rest of the Republican Party, who repeatedly called charges of Russian interference, and collusion, a witch hunt, until now proven by a recent Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee Report.

The mission of all these people was to tear down the established order within the US and outside of it, which they termed the Establishment, the Elites, the Swamp and the Deep State, along with the American founded, and led, post WWII multilateral Institutions, Organizations, Partnerships, Treaties and Alliances.

Shamefully, these Far-Right and Alt-Right cabals cultivated and sought out, and promoted the very Fascism and authoritarianism that America and its free world allies had fought and sacrificed millions of lives to defeat, in the two World Wars.

Their chosen man to spearhead this decent into darkness, and for the promotion of fascism, authoritarianism, and the reversal of democracy, and the destruction of its institutions, including the assault on decency and humanitarianism, was none other than the life-long creature of the Swamp, the callous, morally bankrupt, racist, certifiably narcissistic, and pathologically lying Donald J. Trump.

In him they found the perfect self-centred person who had lied all his life, cheated, and crawled his way towards power, without any ethics or conscience.

For a more detailed assessment of Donald Trump’s moral and character deficiencies, read what some of his closest insiders and advisers like Michael Cohen, his lifelong personal lawyer - John Bolton, his National Security Adviser and a certified Republican hawk - his Psychiatrist niece Mary Trump, and his older sister Maryanne Trump Barry, the retired Judge, have to say in their recent books - yes entire books – and interviews – about his twisted, uncaring and cruel character.

For additional assessment of his moral character and intelligence, read what the number of Generals who served under him in the White House had to say about him, and his capacity and mental acuity (it was not flattering, but was deeply damning and disturbing).

This twisted and immoral man suited the deeply flawed people like Steve Bannon, and Steven Miller whose views about the ‘New World Order’ was to make America ‘White Again’, withdraw it from its post WWII global leadership role, and retreat into a world hating, isolated, fearful fortress-island of a nation unto itself.

They and Trump orchestrated a retreat from all American-led treaties and agreements (at times illegally). He sabotaged multi-lateral global trade agreements, at high economic cost to America. He even attacked NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the inter-governmental Military Alliance, founded and signed by the US on April 4th, 1949, between it and the allied western democracies after the Second World War, that now includes 30 countries.

NATO is the greatest military alliance in the world standing against former communist tyranny led by the old Nuclear Super-Power, the Soviet Union, and current day authoritarian, dictatorial, cruel regimes of Putin’s Russia, and China, and their smaller inhumane satellites like Belarus and North Korea, among others. 

Breaking up NATO would have been Trump’s greatest gift to his ‘Master’, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, to whom he seems deeply financially indebted, as it would have seriously weakened the defences of the western democracies around the world, particularly the European Union.

Initially, Trump seemed hell-bent in breaking the alliance up, fortunately saner heads in the US prevailed and NATO has remained intact for now, even with Trump’s repeated attacks on the alliance and its many members.

Breaking up the unified European Union was one of Bannon’s pet projects (as was the goal of some of the Far-Right and Neo-Nazi political parties of Europe with whom he tried to team-up to foment dissension, disunity and eventual break-up).

Fortunately, and again, his efforts were unsuccessful and his organization called ‘The Movement’, based in Brussels, was broken up and disbanded, and he has been personally rejected by the Far-Right political parties of Europe.

In the US, Bannon has recently been charged with fraud (a fate that seems common to a lot of Trump’s closest advisers and aides) and is now awaiting trial.

Donald Trump’s first-term as President has been a steady and unrelenting assault on all of America’s greatest values, of democracy, humanitarianism, truth, freedom of religion, the rule-of-law, freedom and independence of the press, it is Constitutionally guaranteed racial equality, separation of State and Religion, the right-to-a-vote for every one of its citizens, and its faith in its many institutions safeguarding national security, accountability, the environment, and holding truth to power. Trump with the full and bizarre support of the Republican Party, has turned America into a lawless unaccountable morass of a ‘Banana Republic’, where his daily cowardly and outrageous assaults go largely unpunished.

Now, Trump seeks another 4 years with all the help of the traditional Republican vote suppression strategies, and his own particular brand of cheating, with false claims of election rigging (unless he wins of course), and the sabotage of the postal services in the middle of the pandemic, and everything else his and his cabal’s tortured minds can think up. His America is economically shattered, astronomically indebted, a leading pandemic hot-spot, with over 6 Million infected and sick, with almost 190,000 Americans dead. It is politically and racially divided, economically and racially unequal, and at war with itself.

This election, Trump the ‘prince of darkness’, has to be removed so that Joe Biden the experienced political conciliator can begin America’s long journey of recovery, back to healing and to the old America, the 'beacon of light on the hill’.
