The Pain of Women – Unlimited Persecution (#368)
Meghan’s Tempest in the Royal Teapot (#366)
Historically Racist America – The Ugliness Unchanged (#334)
Women’s Leadership in USA – So Underwhelming (#320)
Hello Brexit – And Goodbye Great Britain (#315)
The Battle for America – In the Time of Trump (#296)
A Bad Week for the Two Rogues - Trump/Boris (#294)
The Desolation of Two Democracies (US & UK) - by Their Governments (#258)
The Darkening of the Global Horizon – Courtesy Trump (#243)
When Harry - Married Meghan (#226)
Russian 'Dirt' on Clinton - Burying Trump & Team (#200)
North Korea, the Mouse that Roared (#193)
This Is Targeted Terror – Most Vile (#176)
Donald Trump’s Dummying-Down of America (#132)
Vote Brexit - And WE All Fall Down! (#127)
England Body Slammed - Twice (#126)
Global Economies 2015 – Once More Off-the-Cliff, Dear Friends…II (#92)
Weakness In Economies – Strength in Financial Markets – Zen Like Detachment (#62)
Of Princes and Popes (#36)
Carney’s Parting Shot at Greenspan – Hindsight is 20/20 (#18)