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Netanyahu’s Win – Everyone’s Loss (#75)

Updated: Feb 6

A few days ago, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu won a hard fought election for his fourth term as Prime Minister of Israel. Bibi’s win was a classic case of what desperate politicians do when fighting to gain, or as in this case, retain power at all cost. They divide and fracture society for personal gain, at great and sometimes tragic cost to the country. Instead of unifying its citizenry under a progressive plan of hope and required change, which would address chronic weaknesses and problems that have held the country back and its people hostage, such leaders (and they are present in every race and nationality) emphasize division, and foster suspicion and fear, as a desperate Netanyahu just did. They win their victory, but the country and its people are left to deal with the legacy of suspicion, hatred and violence for decades, if not for generations. In this election Netanyahu divided and conquered, first the United States, and then Israel.

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